2023/03/01 Kuorma- ja Linja-auto Continental Truck and Bus Tires offer safe, reliable and highly efficient solutions for the transport industry. Lue lisää
2024/07/15 Material Handling Explore our Material Handling segment consisting Industrial Material Handling and Port Operaion tires. The Industrial Material Handling tires consist of Industrial Pneumatics and Industrial Solids (Super Elastics and Press-On Bands). The Port Operations tires are OTR Pneumatics and big solid tires. Lue lisää
#Continental #Truck 2023/03/07 Generation 5 Avaamme uuden luvun logistiikan ja kuljetusten historiassa. Tämä on kuorma- ja linja-autojen renkaiden uuden aikakauden alku. Lue lisää