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Sometimes the wrong tire can turn into a real nightmare.

ContiSeal: Always have someone to trust in.

A zombie, wearing a grey suit, is crouching next to the Continental front tire.

A lonely road. In the middle of the night. Pouring rain. Somewhere nowhere - there are definitely situations in which you want to rely on your tires. Situations in which a flat tire can be sheer horror.

Fortunately, with ContiSeal technology you‘ll be able to avoid such horrific situations with a flat tire somewhere nowhere. A sticky, viscous sealing layer in the tread of the tire seals any damage caused by penetrating objects up to 5 mm in diameter. Thanks to this innovative technology, the air stays inside the tire, keeping you on the move.

Safe on the road... Thrilling behind the scenes.

What do a flat tire, a hitchhiker and a helpful zombie have in common? That's right: they are all part of an extraordinary film for an extraordinary technology.

In a dawn raid, we turned our own test track, the Contidrom, into an eerily scary country road movie set. Light, fog and lots of artificial rain were used to transform the Contidrom into a spooky place where nobody would want to switch places with our main actress.

What the film crew has brought to life on the road with a great amount of dedication and passion is our first spooky Halloween-Reel of all times. Take a look at exclusive behind-the-scenes footage here.


Let's make the streets a little less frightening with ContiSeal.

  • ContiSeal is a viscous sealing layer in the tread of the tire
  • ContiSeal immediately fixes 80% of punctures up to 5 mm in diameter
  • Provides unrestricted driving performance after tire damage
  • No immediate need for roadside assistance or a tire change
ContiSeal can fix 80% of all punctures instantly

What you can rely on.

Trusted performance even in unusual situations, the driving behavior remains as usual: ContiSeal fixes 80% of all punctures while maintaining handling performance.

Uninterrupted driving when it matters most. Because if a ContiSeal tire is damaged, you can continue your way with unrestricted driving performance. So you don't have to stop and hitch a ride. But: You should have the tire checked by a specialist as soon as possible, e.g. your trusted tire dealer.

A trustworthy selection. Currently, 24 different Continental tires are available with ContiSeal technology. And, of course, they are fully compatible with all commonly available rims.

These tires are available with ContiSeal

Product picture WinterContact TS 870
Winter Specialist
WinterContact TS 870

All winter tires are the same. Until the streets turn white.

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Continental AllSeasonContact 2 tire
All-round Leader
AllSeasonContact 2

You can’t control the weather. But you can be prepared.

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Product picture SportContact 7
Sporty Hero
SportContact 7

Stick to your dreams. And to the asphalt.

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Product picture WinterContact TS 870 P
Winter Specialist
WinterContact TS 870 P

Winter gives you rain, ice and snow. We give you control.

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PremiumContact™ 7
Comfortable Rider
PremiumContact 7

Driving safely has never felt better.

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